Kinesiology Body Scan
Kinesiology is a technique that uses muscle testing to acquire information about the body’s weak areas. This helps us determine how to adjust them and shows us which areas of the body that are out of balance. We always tell our patients that we do not diagnose or treat any specific condition. We help our patients become healthier through diet, nutrition, stress management and proper musculoskeletal alignment.

ASA Balance

The ASA system is a combination of a computerized health assessment and cold laser therapy that scans your body on eight different levels to check for imbalances, nutritional deficiencies and to help desensitize the allergies.


Asyra/Electro Dermal Assessment

The Asyra EDS testing is a computerized health screening system that helps us see imbalances in the body and what types of nutrition / homeopathy or herbs that will help bring the body back into balance.
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